Thomas McElroy – Obit

Posted by on Apr 14, 2013

Lyon- DeWitt Funeral Home    

                   503 East Main Street

                  Campbellsville, Ky 42718

270-465-4141   Phone

270-789-4424   Fax

Larry R. DeWitt (Owner)

Phillip DeSpain (Director)





          Mr. Thomas McElroy, age 93, died Sunday, April 14, 2013, at Campbellsville Nursing and Rehab Center in Taylor County.

          Thomas was the son of the late Ada May Burton Anderson and Willis McElroy, he was also preceded in death by his first wife Mary Alice McElroy and his late wife Goldie Rosemary Holmes McElroy, one son; Tommy Lee McElroy, five sisters; Leddy Wethington, Anna Smith, Helen King, Opal Black and Mattie Price.

          He was survived by two daughters; Betty Jean Crain of Indiana and Sandra Real of Tennessee, one step daughter; Loria Miller of Indiana, one sister; Betty Shepherd of Indiana, nine grandchildren, twelve great grandchildren, two step grandchildren and four step great grandchildren, caregiver; Junior and Linda Cundiff of Campbellsville, along with a host of family and friends.

          Funeral services for Mr. Thomas McElroy were conducted at 1 PM Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at chapel of Lyon-DeWitt Funeral Home with burial in the Brookside Cemetery.

          Officiating:  Bro. Steve Morgan and Sister Linda Cundiff