Silas David Pickett Obituary

Posted by on Jul 4, 2021

Silas David Pickett, 62 years old, of London, Kentucky, son of the late Robert Sanders Pickett and Maxine (Waddell) Pickett was born November 27th, 1958, in Jefferson County and departed this life at Owsley County Health Care Center in Booneville, Kentucky, on Thursday, July 1st, 2021.

Survived by one brother:  Robert Clayton Pickett of Campbellsville, Kentucky.

Caregiver:  Amber Nicole Queener of London, Kentucky.

VISITATION:  Monday, July 5th, 2021, at 1pm at Auberry Funeral Home in downtown Campbellsville, Kentucky.

FUNERAL:  Monday, July 5th, 2021, at 2pm at Auberry Funeral Home in downtown Campbellsville, Kentucky.

Burial to follow at Greensburg Cemetery in Greensburg, Kentucky.

The staff of Auberry Funeral Home would like to thank the family for entrusting us with the care and arrangements of Mr. Silas David Pickett at our funeral home.  May God bless you during this difficult time.